A Comprehensive Guide to Commercial Real Estate Taxes

Navigating the world of commercial real estate taxes can be a daunting task and understanding how these taxes are calculated and assessed is crucial to budgeting effectively and making informed... [Read more...]

Planning Your Next Office Lease: A Timeline for Success

If you're a business owner in New York City, finding the perfect office space is crucial to the success of your venture. However, the process of planning an office space lease can be overwhelming... [Read more...]

June 2023 Newsletter

What's in a negotiation? | "If you don't ask, the answer is always no!" In a Tenant's market, most will focus their fight on a better rent and while there is certainly much to be won there, here are... [Read more...]

May 2023 Newsletter

Base Rent vs. Cash Flow | This month I’d like to highlight a recurring theme in the direct leases that we’ve recently negotiated, one that has created great value to both tenants (lowering... [Read more...]

April 2023 Newsletter

Seriously, how's the market? | Over the past three years, it’s the question that I’m asked most frequently and often with an increasingly curious, if slightly sympathetic, tone.And for good... [Read more...]

March 2023 Newsletter

The Price is (may not be) Right | Renewing your lease is often the easiest route; are you approaching it correctly? While some organizations can be more nimble than others, relocating your... [Read more...]

Building Classes: A, B, and C

You're in the market for office space and it's quickly becoming a balance: finding a quality space at an affordable price. So how do you find the right mix of both? Understanding the difference... [Read more...]

February 2023 Newsletter

Reality Setting In | There's an old saying: “by the time it hits the news, it’s already old news”.With several recent reports highlighting some of the major challenges facing the Midtown office... [Read more...]

January 2023 Newsletter

A Real-Time Narrative | We connect with Midtown business executives daily to probe and hear anything and everything related to their office space. In that vein, I wanted to share several of the... [Read more...]