January 2023 Newsletter

A Real-Time Narrative | We connect with Midtown business executives daily to probe and hear anything and everything related to their office space. In that vein, I wanted to share several of the... [Read more...]

November 2022 Newsletter

Office Space Buildup: 2022 has certainly been an interesting year thus far. The first half of the year effectively marked ‘the end’ of COVID (ie. lifted mask requirements, end of private vaccine... [Read more...]

October 2022 Newsletter

How's the Market? It's a frequent question from clients and other office space market participants looking for real-time information rather than the media's talking points - where it seems to... [Read more...]

August-September 2022 Newsletter

The Same, Yet Different Seems real this time. Over the past three years, there has been a familiar buzz from employers around Labor Day: "This is when our employees will begin coming back to the... [Read more...]

July 2022 Newsletter

Straight Office Talk The top question that our team is asked on a monthly basis revolves around one point: "Is this a good deal?" Whether it's a renewal notice from a current Landlord or in r... [Read more...]

June 2022 Newsletter

The Realest Estate Update (A message from Ben Blumenthal) - As talk of a looming (or current) recession grows louder, many have aptly wondered about the impact that an economic decline would have... [Read more...]

May 2022 Newsletter

The Tenant-Amenity Revolution (A message from Ben Blumenthal) - The warm May weather has us back on the streets - and returning to video for the TL;DWTR (too long, don't want to read) folks.Below... [Read more...]

April 2022 Newsletter

The Market = Your Alternatives (A message from Ben Blumenthal) - Quick Bites Midtown's average asking rent increased 2% from Q4 2021 to ~ $85 PSF The latest NYC ridership data continues to show... [Read more...]

March 2022 Newsletter

A Familiar NYC (A message from Ben Blumenthal) - We're back to video for the TL;DWTR (too long, don't want to read) folks - below is a brief video update on the latest trends that we're seeing in... [Read more...]